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Lisa Ann Walter (IMDB)
National Board and Local Board

As Chair of LA Local Womens & National Womens Committee member, I led efforts to protect our members working in states with prohibitive reproductive health laws. For the last two conventions, my proposals passed overwhelmingly and my committee turned them into action; including an interactive map detailing state laws and policies to travel our members to safe states in an emergency. Other Committees; Cameo, Sexual Harassment, GAP, Negotiation. I’m proud of my MANY hours fighting for meaningful streaming pay/residuals, AI regulations and healthcare/fare wages for ALL contracts. We can and WILL achieve better. Vote Drescher/Fisher -

Current Positions:
L.A. Boardmember
National Board Replacement
Chair, LA Womens Committee
Chair, LA Host Committee
Chair, LA Intimacy Coordinator Oversight Subcommittee
Chair, IMDb Ageism Issue Action Force
President’s Task Force on Sexual Harassment
LA Sexual Harassment Committee
LA Communications Committee
LA GAPP Committee